I did, however, finish with great diligence my design on the chalkboard wall in the store. The theme of birds, once again, prevailed, and I lovingly looked upon my handiwork every day. Until an enterprising young non-customer smeared chalk all over, destroying my minor masterpiece. I confess to not really considering the impermanence of chalk as a medium - which is the whole point of chalkboard paint - when I spent so much time composing my paisley pattern. Next time I should consider completing the paint job instead of the chalk job. Brilliant.
Speaking of brilliant, I post a photo, for your pleasure, of an amazing light fixture (the gold light, not the EXIT sign - yuck), new to Sycamore Hollow but not new to this world in general. No indeed, this piece of goodness has been around for awhile, as evidenced by a little wear and tear and the patina of the gold-leafed surface. It is huge, and if I had my act together I would post the measurements. It will make an impact wherever it ends up. I only wish it could end up in my house, but I am not in the business of keeping this stuff - most of it anyway...