The list of unfinished projects is long, and grows longer by the day. At least the list as it exists in the real world. The one in my head has little checkmarks beside each project - done and done. Unfortunately I must occupy the real world and try to complete tasks ad infinitum... I have a terrible habit of getting really excited about a creative venture, starting with a fistful of paintbrushes and going at a job - for about 10 minutes. Not even the prospect of public humiliation (so to speak) will prompt me to finish. Witness the example of the back wall behind my counter. "I'll paint a graphic bird/tree/nest thing!" I told myself in a state of delirium. All went well until I got to the boring part, where the bottom of the tree went on and on and on... I just couldn't take painting another blue inch, so I stopped. You think I'd be

a little embarrassed to have customers staring at such a glaring example of non-stick-to-it-iveness, but I'm not. On to the next thing!
I did, however, finish with great diligence my design on the chalkboard wall in the store

. The theme of birds, once again, prevailed, and I lovingly looked
upon my handiwork every day. Until an enterprising young non-customer smeared chalk all over, destroying my minor masterpiece. I confess to not really considering the impermanence of chalk as a medium - which is the whole point of chalkboard paint - when I spent so much time composing my paisley pattern. Next time I should consider completing the paint job instead of the chalk job. Brilliant.
Speaking of brilliant, I post a photo, for your pleasure, of an amazing light fixture (the gold light, not the EXIT sign - yuck), new to Sycamore Hollow but not new to this world in general. No indeed, this piece of goodness has been around for awhile, as evidenced by a littl
wear and tear and the patina of the gold-leafed

surface. It is huge, and if I had my act together I would post the measurements. It will make an impact wherever it ends up. I only wish it could end up in my house, but I am not in the business of keeping this stuff - most of it anyway...